Monday, March 26, 2012

Workout From Hell

So today I had the most brutal workout ever! Did the new leg routine early in the morning at Dolphin Fitness Club at 2030 Eastchester Road, Bronx, New York 10461 (our Bronx location). When I got to the squat and rdl superset I thought I was going to die, felt like throwing up and passing out. I had to cut the sets down to 3. Prior to working out I had a client at 8:30am while training her I heard like something fell, looked around and saw nothing. Low and behold after walking home from the gym I realized I had no keys! Fuck I thought, good news my step pops didn't go to work today because he was in a car accident yesterday, bad news I have to walk back to the gym. I only live 15 minutes from the gym but after the workout I had that 15 minutes felt like a thousand miles away. My step pops was surprisingly generousness and told me I could borrow one of his bicycles. I hoped on the bike and headed back to the gym. Found my keys, had a quick convo and  headed back home. Half way home my legs felt like they were on FIRE. I almost didn't make it.

The point of this all is I haven't rode a bike in over 3 years, and my legs were destroyed by the workout and bike ride. I think it's time I go buy myself a bicycle.

1 comment:

  1. what a story bro...Biking aint no joke...When I am back on mines I will feel the pain also just like you. But then again I should ease back in, since I am biker. Then again, life aint easy, so workouts aint gonna be easy.
